The longer one gazes at Suchitra Mattai's iridescent, densely layered works, the more narratives the viewer starts to become aware of nestling inside them. While Mattai's works are visually arresting in themselves, they additionally encode multiple narratives and associations, making them powerful commentaries on various issues as well.
Born in Guyana and currently based in Denver, United States, Mattai has previously lived in Canada, India and in various states across the US. "The disparate landscapes and cultural environments (that I have experienced) have left me devoid of a single sense of 'home'. My memories therefore are pronouncedly disorienting (as memories often are) and provide me with a wealth of visual and aural material from which to mine for my work," she says. While her practice is conceptually focused, she creates with a multitude of materials and processes, including painting, fibre, drawing, collage, installation, video and sculpture.